Thursday, September 24, 2009

Almost Home

I talked to my support coach, Robyn Lucas (who has been amazingly supportive through out this process), yesterday. From the time I woke up till our phone call at 2pm I tried to stay in the word but between the dog getting out and my own ADD I found it difficult to concentrate and about 10 minutes before I found myself in tears. This phone call was going to determine if I could continue or not.
But the Lord has truly been moving mountains. Because the Lord has provided so faithfully they are allowing my to continue and I am now at 70% total!

Here's the update...

My Current Need:
$700 - One-Time support
$1,220 - Monthly support

Breaking it down:
That's just 13 people at $100 a month or 26 at $50/month!

As you can see my monthly support and my one-time is markedly different. Please be praying that the Lord will provide my remaining monthly support quickly.

Because I am making progress but realistically will not be done by next Wednesday, September 30th, Robyn will be talking with the leadership in Italy in the next few days to decide when my new leave date will be.

Please be praying that God will provide my financial support swiftly and abundantly so I can join my team as soon as humanly possible. I'm almost home!

Keep me safe, O God, for in you I take refuge.I said to the LORD, "You are my Lord; apart from you I have no good thing."... You have made known to me the path of life; you will fill me with joy in your presence, with eternal pleasures at your right hand
~ Psalm 16: 1-2, 11 ~

Friday, September 11, 2009

Do or Die

Septmeber 30, 2009.

I officially have a leave date. It is now in 19 days and counting.

And I am currently at 48%. I found out the date yesterday morning and came up with a little slogan that I think encapsulates my need right now: "20grand in 2o days". That's right, I need about $20,000 in 20 days...well 19 now.

My specific need:
$4,750 to finish one-time goals
$1,450 per month to finish my monthly support

Breaking it down:
$11,000 more = 80% (when I can buy my plane ticket)
$530/month + $5,000 one time
$19,400 more = 100%

So yea, I decided I wanted to be completely candid because my need can't be met if it's not known. I am truly trusting God for a miracle and I pray that you will be a part of it.

Don’t worry about anything; instead, pray about everything.
Tell God what you need, and thank him for all he has done.
~ Philippians 4:6 ~

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

More Time

Cause I need more time
Just a few more months and we’ll be fine...

More time. I need more time.

What for though? I'm conflicted. I want to be in Italy, more than I can say. I wish I was already there or getting on a plane like others. I want to buy my ticket. I want to pack. I want to be on campus. But alas, I can't until I have 80% of my support and I am not there yet.
I want more time because I feel like I'm finally developing the confidence it takes to raise support, that I am not letting fear or intimidation get in the way (as much, at least). I feel like I finally have a routine and am making progress. I just wish I had more time to really implement the things I've learned.

At the same time, as I spend time with my friends and family I'm being brought aware of all the things I will be or could be missing. Football season is starting, Homecoming, birthdays, weddings. This week I was really reminded of how lucky I am to have the friends I do. Today, the A.C. in my car broke and 2 friends worked on my car for probably about 2 hours when they didn't have to. There is a girl, whom I've affectionately named Mia Benedizione, who is one of the biggest lights in my life. She's been an overwhelming and incredible blessing to me and it breaks my heart that I won't get to see her grow over the next year.

With that being said, as much as I want more time, there is no such thing as more time. There is perfect time, His perfect time. The past months have really taught me that nothing is possible without God. And that I could work for months and months on support but without Him I'll be nowhere. It wasn't until I took steps and truly put my faith in the Lord that I started to see fruit.
So I will wait, and I will work, and I will pray because only in the Lord's timing will I get to Italy. I pray that it is soon, but it's not really up to me.

Please be praying for my support. I still need $1,500/month and $5,000 in one time support. That is 15 more partners at $100/month and $5,000 in one time donations or 20 more partners at $100/month. Also, please pray that I will seek Christ first ahead of all else.

...We’re off to new lands
So hold on to my hands
It’s gonna be alright
-"More Time" ~ needtobreathe-